
Welcome from the Head Teacher
I joined The Serendipity School in 2011, as English teacher, before moving in the role of SENCo, and being appointed as Head Teacher in November 2021. It is a real honour to be part of such an amazing school, and I feel very proud to be leading such an outstanding team of practitioners.
We have a highly skilled staff team that enables our students to build secure attachments, and confidence in order for them to engage with learning and reach their full potential. We strive to foster positive relationships with students, building trust, safety and resilience across all aspects of education. The secure foundations we create in positive relationships enables us to teach the social and emotional skills needed for our young people to move to positive destinations, fulfil their potential and build skills for life long success. We support families, parents and carers, and work closely in partnership with other agencies to overcome life’s challenges, and to ensure our students have opportunities to succeed. We firmly uphold the belief that special educational needs are no barrier for achievement and success, and that all students are entitled to an education which allows them to be successful in many different ways. We believe a strong team around a student is essential for them to thrive and be successful.
We offer a non-judgemental approach to every student who attends The Serendipity School and ensure we have an excellent understanding of their individual needs. We provide a personalised approach and curriculum for every student. Our curriculum offer is diverse and holds high expectations for learning and behaviour; however, we place a great emphasis on each student’s personal development journey. The combination of a broad academic and personal development curriculum, an understanding of mental health and well-being, alongside strong pastoral support, provides our students the right balance of nurture and challenge.
Through building emotional resilience and ensuring all our young people achieve outstanding outcomes, we ensure that all students are prepared for the world outside of school, allowing them to be successful individuals.
Philippa Smith – Head Teacher
The Serendipity School